Media Contributions

In the Media

"Vacation Tips"
Fox 16
​June 11, 2015

Mike Wilkinson from Sue Smith Vacations talks about the best time to organize your summer vacation as well as the most popular destination locations.

"Vacation Tips"
Fox 16
​June 11, 2015

Mike Wilkinson from Sue Smith Vacations talks about the best time to organize your summer vacation as well as the most popular destination locations.

"Newspaper leading Pilgrimage to Rome - 2017"
Arkansas Catholic
September 13, 2016

"Arkansas Catholic is hosting a 10-day “Pilgrimage with the Saints” to Italy Oct. 27-Nov. 5, 2017, with Father Erik Pohlmeier, diocesan faith formation director and theological consultant for Arkansas Catholic."

"Carnival Cruise Line Appoints 23 New Members to its Travel Partner Advisory Committee for 2015"
Carnival Cruise Lines
​February 11, 2015

"Kathy Primm, Manager, Sue Smith Vacations"

"Arkansas Travel Agents Say:"
Arkansas Business
March 2, 2015

​"We're Still Flying High!"

"Best of Arkansas 2015 Readers' Poll​"
​Arkansas Times
July 30, 2015

Travel Agency Finalists: Sue Smith Vacations

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